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Les Petits Bonheurs 2017

In 2017 we were contacted to collaborate in the festival “Les Petits Bonheurs”, organized by the community of Béthune-Bray, which is held intermittently in the 13 cities of the agglomeration. The Collective Primavez members: Oscar de Nova, Miguel Rubio, Violette Wauters and Ariadna Gironés, make use of the already formed show “Cabaret Primavez”, with the collaboration of Simón Phelep “Alizarina”. They invite the public to live the show, integrate it and play with them. Thus a new performance is created and composed in less than ten sessions.


​Information Il est où le clown


The Foyer Norguet: Jacques, Les deux Martine, Roselyne, Geneviève

Artists of Saint François: Régis, Jacky, Guillaume, David, David et Laurent

Artists of the Daily Service of the Ruitz: Nicolas, Samuel, Jérôme et Jérémie, Nadège

Collectif Primavez: Oscar de Nova, Miguel Rubio, Violette Wauters, Ariadna Gironés et Simon Phelep

Coordinator of the agglomeration Béthune-Bruay Artois lys Romane : Patrice Leroy

Concept et writing: Oscar de Nova, Miguel Rubio, Violette Wauters et Ariadna Gironés

Compositor-Musician: Simón Phelep "Alizarina"

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