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Laureles Impro _transparentes_azulAzul (
Laureles Impro _transparentes_azulAzul (

ImproLocura is an unpredictable and hilarious street show that  breaks the rhythm of the city (more and more boring and ordinary  every day). 

An unexpected break that will take you out of your daily routine  thanks to a provocative, fun and extravagant style. You will enjoy  an improvised show that mixes mime, clown techniques and  sound effects. 

Technology at the service of comedy. 

The highlight of the show is the use of technology in the service  of improvisation and comedy. Through a homemade device  that allows the wireless transmission of any song or sound, Agro  surprises and makes each improvisation more complete, selecting  with dizzying speed, the right track for each moment that arises  throughout the show.

Artistic Sheet

Idea and conception of  the show: Luca Della Gatta 

Directed by Luca Della Gatta 

External eye: René Bazinaet 


Collectif Primavez, 

Atelier Teatro Físico "Philip Radice"

Technical Sheet

ImproLocura, a 40-minute extravaganza in  interaction with the audience. 

Estimated time depending on the play. 

A show for all audiences who want to be  surprised by improvisation. 

Designed for the street and perfect for the  square, also for your party or event. 

Up to 3 performances per day. 


Stage space 


Minimum: 6m x 7m 

Set-up time: the set-up of the space and make-up of the artist are part  of the show. 




ImproLocura is a show with total autonomy in sound although it would  be ideal to be able to connect our device to a system supplied by  the organisers in case of larger spaces and with a larger number of  audience.

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